Birthday Post: Twenty Interesting Facts About Me

I turned twenty on the twentieth of June! I'm officially a graduate from the teenager department which means that responsibilities come piling up. Oh no. Anyway, as my obligatory birthday post, I listed a bunch of interesting things not even my closest friends know. I hope these facts will show you a glimpse of who… Continue reading Birthday Post: Twenty Interesting Facts About Me


Hillsong United X Young & Free: Live in Manila 2018

It's amazing how God works in simple ways yet cause grand effects. For the past few weeks, I have been opened with how anxiety changed my life. It turned me from a carefree faithful lady to an afraid anxious little girl. I let fear run my heart. I was afraid of what people might say.… Continue reading Hillsong United X Young & Free: Live in Manila 2018


Thank-A-Day Challenge: September 2017

When you're used to receiving big things, appreciating small things get hard. This month, I want to do the opposite. Each day, I'll thank the Lord for something He did for me– small things. This challenge is something I look forward on doing since it is also a great way of witnessing how God has… Continue reading Thank-A-Day Challenge: September 2017


Snap-A-Day Challenge: July 2017

While I was scrolling through Facebook, I came across this fascinating video about a man who took Polaroid shots everyday for 18 years. Oh wow! So, I thought of this idea to recreate what he did. Throughout the month of July, I'll take snaps of random things—both important and not. It will show you, guys, a… Continue reading Snap-A-Day Challenge: July 2017


The Perks of Being a Pastor’s Kid

Since setting up my blog yesterday, I've been scratching my head off thinking what I should write for my first post. And then it hit me— family & faith. First stop, a little family background: I came from a family of six. My parents, well, I could say they're the ultimate church leaders. My dad's… Continue reading The Perks of Being a Pastor’s Kid